Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cerberus Crafts: Origins

Once upon a time, I had hope to become a business owner in the craft business. It started in the fall of 2012 when I was trying to think of something to get my girlfriend for her birthday. She, much like myself, is a huge nerd and especially loves anything Batman and Zelda. Now, I'm sure you know what a wood burner is. I'm almost positive that everyone had one at some point in their life. Of course, most of them were used to see what you could catch on fire, or at least mine was. Needless to say, I didn't have it long.

I don't remember the thought process that led me to choose doing a wood burning, but I decided to do a Zelda piece. Turns out, it was the first of many. Originally I was just doing it as a hobby until one day a friend approached me offering to buy one. Then it hit me. I could make money doing this. I started off primarily doing sports teams and, every once in a while, a nerd related piece.

At the time, I was in between jobs so I was really pushing toward making a living wage during something I had come to highly enjoy. G.P. Woodcrafts became the working name of my "business" in homage to H.P. Lovecraft. I wanted to grab the interest of as many people as possible so that more people would want to buy my stuff. Turns out, I am pretty decent with a Dremel! Some of my more expensive pieces now incorporated engraving all done by hand with my handy dandy Dremel 4000. Those, much like childhood wood burners, didn't last long. They just took too long to make for the money people wanted to spend. There had to be something that I could do that was a realistic endeavor.

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