Monday, August 31, 2015

What's Your Type?

Let me start out by saying that my Typology Test results couldn't be more spot on in every aspect except for T, though it is extremely close to being there. To answer the question you're probably thinking about, my type is ENTJ (could also be ENFJ). In an educational perspective, people in this classification love to learn via debates and contests. I personally love debating, though I prefer to call it "discussing". I like getting every piece of the puzzle, every viewpoint possible on ideas and events. 

Now, where my personality tends to hurt me in education, particularly English (sorry Ms. A!) is that I love learning material that has possible unknowns at a grander external level. To quote, "(An ENTJ's learning is improved when) material is presented as unexplored...". My view of English (or any major language for that matter) is that everything that can be known about English is already known. Obviously I don't know everything about English, but there is no potential for discovery outside of personal growth. That may be and probably is just my stubbornness (a gift and a curse). 

I don't know that this test really gave me any new information on my personality, but more or less solidified the preexisting perception I had of my personality. It was definitely interesting to get in-depth description of my personality, but I don't think that it will assist my writing in college, because I essentially didn't learn new information. 

1 comment:

  1. Good. Do not forget to define terms as used in the indicator for your audience so they can make the connections with you. This will also help you to cover every indicator. ~Ms. A.
